We Went to the Park

We went to the park. It’s cold and drizzly and I’m exhausted, but we went anyway. Today didn’t start out very great. The perfect balance and preparedness it takes to get us to work and four kids to school with everything they need proved to be unattainable today. The wheels fell off the whole operation before 7:30 am.

I got to work frustrated and feeling a little defeated. Then this afternoon I met an older Mom in the Aldi parking lot, who after apologizing to me for parking too close as I tried to squish myself into my car, shared that she was distracted because she was having a tough day in motherhood herself. Her daughters are in college and she was dealing with stress, disappointment, and worry about something that happened with them.

I have no idea why she sat there talking to a total stranger except that I offered a smile and a “no problem” when she apologized. I’m so glad she did though. She helped me remember that this crazy stage ranging from daycare to junior high that we’re living in won’t last forever. Soon enough my four will be grown and I’ll be dealing with a whole different set of motherhood challenges. So we went to the park and I watched them laugh and play, and none of the hard parts of today mattered anymore.

No Laundry Today

I’ve been so consumed with the stress of being stuck in the house with four bored kids for a week straight, the worry of possible frozen pipes and power outages, and trying to keep the kids learning and myself working that I almost missed something so important.

Friends, we have been given direct instructions from the powers that be to NOT do any laundry. Not only should we not do it, but it’s the best way we can help ensure that our communities do not lose power from an overloaded system in this crazy winter storm. So today there will be no shame when you walk by the baskets spilling laundry onto the floor, no fussing at your teenagers to wash their smelly clothes, and no feeling like you should be getting caught up on laundry instead of relaxing on the couch.

In this not-so-much-better-than-2020 year we’re living in where we’ve been introduced to another thing to hate with “forced rolling blackouts” we are going to embrace this freeing gift we have received and let that laundry sit as we proudly celebrate the way we are doing our part for one another.

Disclaimer: if you live somewhere that hasn’t been affected by this snowpocalypse I’m pretty sure you are still entitled to this laundry-free time because surely your support of our cause is essential.

The Day My Babies Died

He was perfect. Yes, at fourteen and a half weeks, perfect. He had his Pawpaw’s feet and already looked so much like his big brother. At first, it was confusing. He didn’t look sick, he was beautifully formed. I kept thinking, “just put him back. He will be fine.” My mind just couldn’t wrap itself around the fact that one minute I was happily pregnant with triplets and the next minute I was holding a tiny, lifeless baby in my arms. 

A few weeks later, I found myself living the nightmare once again. In the early hours of the morning, I once again held a tiny baby who no longer drew breath. This time there were two. Two more beautiful little boys who never got to run, play, or grow old. Just like that my womb was empty and my heart was shattered. 

What I didn’t know then was that one in four women will experience the loss of their baby. While each story is unique, there is one thing we share. Those of us parenting after loss will so often be taken back to the day our baby died. A moment of joy or grief will sweep in and transport us back to that moment we lost everything. 

I’ve come to realize that as hard as I try, I can’t go back to the day before my baby died. I search my memories for that naive happiness I once felt, but it is no where to be found. When your baby dies you experience things that will forever change you. 

On the day my babies died…

Our son’s little brothers died. All of the snuggles, disagreements, wrestling matches, and hugs they would share disappeared. 

I felt my babies kick inside my womb even though they had been gone for hours. 

Milk leaked down the front of my hospital gown while I sobbed and begged for someone to make it stop. 

I begged God to take my life instead. 

My husband put aside his pain to comfort me. On the outside he was calm and steady, but on the inside he was flooded with rage and heartache. 

I sang ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’ to each baby as I held them tight and committed every detail of their tiny faces to my memory. 

A woman I’d never met covered my babies with a blanket and rolled them away for the last time as I stared in disbelief. 

A thousand other memories from that day will stay with me for all my days. 

You see, my babies weren’t all that died that summer. The “me” I was before died too. I’m not the mom, wife, or person I was before their lives were cut short. Ten years later I’m still not sure if I’d say something broke inside me or if the grief simply unleashed something that was there all along. The death of my babies forever changed me. 

In a way, I am stronger. When facing challenges, big and small, I often channel the strength I used to pull myself out of that dark, lonely time. I remind myself that whatever I’m facing could never be as bad as losing my children.  I literally survived the worst, so daily battles don’t discourage me. 

I’m also grateful for every moment I have with my children. I don’t mean to imply that people who haven’t experienced loss aren’t, but I look at my four boys every day and know without a doubt that I am blessed beyond measure. On the days that being a mom seems to be just too much, I remind myself that it is a privilege to parent these sweet little people. 

I share this now because it matters. It matters to the woman, who as I type, is sitting in a hospital bed as her baby draws his last breath. It matters to the woman who can’t get out of bed because the pain is too much. It matters to the man who is fighting for his marriage because he and his wife don’t know how to communicate with each other with the grief that is so raw and new. It matters to the older couple who wonder what their daughter might have been doing if she would have had the chance to grow into an adult. 

As I held my boys those warm, summer mornings, I promised each of them I would share them with the world. Their impact in this life is different than I had hoped, but so very important. If sharing my story provides comfort to even one person experiencing pregnancy or infant loss, then it is a story that deserves to be told. 

I want survivors of pregnancy and infant loss to know it is okay to be changed by the experience. It is okay to handle the grief any way that they see fit. Each story of loss is filled with unique twists and turns. There is no one-size-fits-all way to handle the loss of your child.

In short, I want them to know they are not alone.

The Paper Bag That Made Me Cry

It was 6:27 am on a normal Wednesday morning. The kids were eating breakfast as I scrambled to fix my hair before we had to leave. My husband called for our four-year-old to head to the truck so they could make it to preschool drop-off on time. Because of preschool opening time and the time my husband has to be at work, they have to stay on a strict departure schedule each morning.

That’s when I saw it. The cute little paper bag with my son’s name on it and a note about bringing show and tell items. It sat empty on the kitchen counter. No objects of the designated color had been hunted down the night before and carefully placed into the bag so he could proudly reveal them that morning. I had three minutes to find something brown that would fit into the bag, and be fun for him to talk about with his classmates.

I can’t even remember what I haphazardly tossed into the bag that morning, but in that moment my heart just felt so heavy. In the grand scheme of things, one overlooked show and tell is meaningless, but that morning it felt like more. It felt like I had failed my child.

I try so hard to make sure everything is just right each night before I go to bed. With four kids, full-time jobs, and a household to manage, my husband and I have a lot to do after the kids are asleep every night. I move around the house for hours each night packing the diaper bag, doing laundry, checking backpacks, writing checks for lunch money, and signing reading logs. I try so hard to make sure I’m doing enough. I want my children to have everything they need to be successful, and I want them to look back fondly on the way I cared for them.

But the truth is, sometimes it is just too much.

I’ve learned over the last decade of parenting that I can’t be perfect. So why does it hurt so much when I feel like I fail? I know that with the weight I’m carrying as a mother, I’m bound to make mistakes here and there. My mind knows that it is impossible to be everything to everyone all the time.

But my heart. My heart wants my family to have the great mom that they deserve. The mom who bakes fresh cookies each week, who always has them to practice on time, and the mom who never yells at little people who aren’t getting in the car fast enough when we’re rushed.

It’s a constant battle trying to decide if I’m getting it right. I read articles telling me to “let the laundry wait, because babies don’t keep,” but there’s also the blog post saying “don’t feel guilty for cleaning the house instead of playing with your kids if it makes you a better mom.” How do I know that my enough is enough? What guarantee do I have the what I’m doing will bring my kids the happiness and success I so desperately wish for them?

Finding the balance in parenting is just hard. We all know there isn’t a rule book or instruction manual for this role. Somehow we have to just do our best, with our love for our children guiding the way, and hope that it is in fact enough. Maybe if I keep telling myself this one day it will stick.

Am I still going to rush around at the last minute to get one more thing for my son’s school project, so he doesn’t feel disappointed? Probably. Will I still stay up way past my bedtime just to make sure that someone’s favorite shirt gets into the dryer for tomorrow? More than likely.

But can I also give myself a little grace? You bet. The thing about parenting is that we try so hard to make our kids happy, but they don’t even notice half of what we are doing for them. What they do notice is that they are safe, loved, and protected. They know that we are in their corner, and will be by their side through the lowest of the lows and the highest of the highs.

My son has long since forgotten about the boring brown toy in his bag that day, but he won’t soon forget my love for him or the smile on my face when he looks back and sees me rooting for him. Because that’s always where I’ll be for my kids. Just being me. Just the way I am. Imperfectly parenting to the best of my ability.